In a fascinating exchange, the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, recently responded to French President Emmanuel Macron’s passionate defense of the Netflix series “Emily in Paris.” The show’s upcoming fourth season features protagonist Emily Cooper, played by Lily Collins, making a significant career move from Paris to Rome, prompting Macron to voice his concerns about the show’s potential relocation.
During a press engagement with Variety, Macron stated, “Emily in Paris is beneficial for the image of France. It portrays a super-positive image that attracts tourists to our country. We will fight hard to ensure that the show remains in Paris. It wouldn’t make sense for it to shift to Rome.”
However, Gualtieri did not hold back in his reaction to Macron’s comments. In an interview, he quipped, “Doesn’t President Macron have more pressing issues to attend to?” He humorously suggested that if Macron was serious, perhaps he should reconsider his priorities, mentioning global crises from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East to devastating hurricanes affecting the United States.
Gualtieri emphasized that his city is more than capable of handling the affairs of a Netflix production, stating, “We are relaxed about Netflix’s creative decisions. They know the landscape of entertainment.” In closing, he advised Macron to take a step back, asserting, “We view Emily’s move to Rome as a testament to our city’s growing global significance.”
“Emily in Paris,” which debuted in 2020, focuses on Emily’s life as an American marketing exec navigating the romantic and professional landscape of Paris. As her journey evolves, she finds herself tangled in love triangles and friendship drama. The recent season finale left viewers pondering Emily’s complicated relationships, including her new romantic interest, Marcello, who played by Eugenio Franceschini.
Despite these shifts, creator Darren Star reassured fans that Paris is still at the heart of the show. He clarified, “Emily isn’t permanently relocating to Rome. Her story isn’t leaving Paris; she’s simply expanding her horizons.”
As this captivating saga unfolds, viewers are left wondering about the future of Emily’s adventures and the potential impact on the beloved cities involved.