Chanel Banks, known for her guest role on “Gossip Girl,” has broken her silence following a shocking two-week disappearance that raised alarms among her family and fans. In a statement shared on her TikTok account, the actress, who was reported missing since October 30, revealed she is safe and unharmed.
In her candid address, Banks described herself as a “36-year-old American nobody” and recounted a lifetime filled with pain stemming from alleged ritual abuse and manipulation at the hands of her family. “For so long, I’ve been tormented by the very people who claim to care about me,” she expressed. She also confirmed that she had met with local authorities, stating, “I’m finally free.”
According to Banks, she informed her husband six days before her disappearance about her desire to get baptized by one of her favorite pastors. He then drove her to the airport for what was supposed to be a week-long trip. However, she characterized this journey not just as a spiritual quest but as a pivotal escape from her troubled home life. “God told me to make a move, and I listened,” she recounted of her decision to leave.
Banks further alleged that her family attempted to control her life, even pursuing a conservatorship to restrict her liberties. She emphasized that despite their attempts to silence her, she would not be subdued. “I learned that both my mother’s and husband’s families were pursuing complete legal control over me,” she disclosed, asserting her determination to reclaim her voice.
Reflecting on her 36 years of suffering, Banks expressed a desire to use her experience to empower others facing similar struggles. “I want to help those suffering in silence to find their voice. Justice is what I seek,” she declared. The actress encouraged people to reach out and support her cause, promising never to allow herself to be silenced by those who wish to suppress her truth.