In a surprising twist, the series finale of What We Do In The Shadows takes a bold leap by transforming a central character into a version of Batman. This beloved show, which has captivated audiences for six seasons, is celebrated as one of the most innovative comedies in recent years, cleverly adapted from the original film. The series offers a unique blend of humor, exploring themes of immortality with its cast of indolent vampires, who seem blissfully unaware of the mundane world beyond their abode.
In contrast to the reflective tone of anime like Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, What We Do In The Shadows embraces a carefree spirit, allowing its characters to revel in their timeless existence. However, the vampires are not entirely devoid of growth. Throughout the series, characters like Laszlo and Nandor subtly evolve despite their static environments. Laszlo, portrayed by Matt Berry, becomes more empathetic towards his neighbor Sean, while Nandor (Kayvan Novak) gradually redefines his relationship with Guillermo (Harvey Guillén) from mere employer to a genuine friendship.
The finale encapsulates this character development brilliantly with Nandor discovering a newfound sense of purpose. After completing a selfless act, he becomes intrigued by the idea of fighting crime, humorously aspiring to become a vigilante. Eager to recruit Guillermo as his sidekick, Nandor launches into his misguided quest to don a superhero persona. Oblivious to the concept of superheroes or the iconic Batman, he ironically nails the visual aesthetics of the Caped Crusader, crafting elaborate plans for a secret lair and even desiring a high-tech super-computer.
This amusing scenario escalates as Nandor, with his flamboyant personality and background as a warrior, believes that if he must continue his vampiric ways of dispensing death, he ought to focus on targeting the “right” individuals. Instead of adopting a straightforward name like Batman, he whimsically decides to go with the far more original and not-at-all-copyrighted title of “The Phantom Menace.”
The comedic crescendo occurs when Nandor shares a moment with Guillermo, only to unveil that he’s secretly constructed his very own elevator leading down to his lair—something he managed on his own without Guillermo’s assistance. Though the fate of the Staten Island vampires, including Guillermo, remains a mystery, the finale leaves viewers hoping for future escapades featuring the duo as The Phantom Menace and Kid Cowboy.
With all seasons of What We Do In The Shadows now available for streaming on Hulu, fans can revisit the hilarity and charm of this standout comedy.