A star from the iconic series “Gossip Girl” is making headlines again, this time for filing a restraining order against her own mother and cousin following a troubling incident involving her husband. Chanel Maya Banks, who had previously been reported missing in November, submitted the court documents claiming that her mother, Lutchmin Judy Kumar, and cousin, Danielle Singh, invaded her apartment and attacked her husband, Carlos.
According to the restraining order filed recently, Banks has accused her family members of continuous harassment, despite her efforts to establish boundaries. The actress asserts that after she made it clear in October she needed privacy, her mother and cousin still attempted to reach her. In a bizarre turn of events, they even contacted the Los Angeles police to report her as a missing person, prompting authorities to conduct wellness checks.
The situation escalated when Banks alleges Kumar and Singh broke into her home, assaulted her husband, stole his work identification, and placed an Apple AirTag on her vehicle without consent, effectively tracking her whereabouts. Following this alleged aggression, Banks wasted no time filing police reports to document the incident.
But the accusations didn’t stop there. Kumar and Singh reportedly went so far as to accuse Carlos of murder and suggested that Banks be involuntarily committed for a psychiatric evaluation.
In her legal filing, Banks is requesting that the court prohibit her mother and cousin from making any form of contact with her, whether in person or through digital means, as well as prevent them from mentioning her name in public forums.
This latest drama unfolds after a distressing period in which Banks was unaccounted for. Earlier this year, her family initiated a search for her, even launching a GoFundMe campaign, after she disappeared for two weeks. During that time, multiple welfare checks were carried out by the authorities, but it wasn’t until November 13 that police located Banks safe in Texas and closed their investigation.
Despite this, her family remained skeptical about her well-being, alleging that the person found was notBanks at all. In an emotional Instagram post confirming her safety, Banks revealed her struggles, claiming she had faced years of trauma and abuse at the hands of her family members who now profess concern for her. She declared her independence and freedom from the family she feels has long tormented her.
As the situation continues to develop, it raises concerns about the dynamics within the family and the ongoing effects on the actress’s mental health and well-being. The public is left to wonder how this turmoil will impact Banks as she seeks to reclaim control over her life.