In a recent episode of the Today show, host Hoda Kotb shared an eye-opening revelation about her health. During a candid conversation with co-host Jenna Bush Hager, Hoda disclosed that she is legally blind, a condition she manages with the use of a single contact lens.
When prompted by Jenna about her eyewear habits, Hoda responded, “I’m legally blind — I wear one contact.” The exchange prompted a deeper discussion about her unique approach to vision correction. Hoda explained her preference for wearing only one contact lens, stating, “You know why I wear one? It’s brilliant! For anyone who’s got terrible vision, you can see far and read, because this one doesn’t have one in it.”
Despite the confusion this generated for Jenna, who pointed out that specialized contacts are available, Hoda confidently stood by her technique, saying that the alternatives make her dizzy.
In a playful moment, Jenna even theatrically moved Hoda’s hair to test her vision, prompting laughter among viewers as Hoda attempted to identify members of the audience.
Hoda’s revelation highlights the challenges faced by many individuals with severe vision impairment. According to health experts, “legally blind” defines significant vision loss, with more than 12 million adults in the U.S. aged 40 and older living with uncorrectable vision issues. This includes over one million Americans classified as blind.
In addition to her recent health conversation, Hoda has had other memorable moments on the Today show, including a February incident where she struggled with a stuck contact lens while filming. Seeking the audience’s advice live on air, Hoda jokingly remarked about the comedic possibility of losing her eyesight completely if her other contact also fell out.
Hoda Kotb’s openness about her health condition not only fosters awareness about vision loss but also encourages discussions around the everyday realities of living with such challenges. Her spirit and humor in addressing her unique situation continue to resonate with audiences, reflecting her resilience as a beloved television personality.