Karren Brady, known for her role on The Apprentice, is facing a difficult New Year’s Eve as her daughter, Sophia Peschisolido, and her nine-month-old grandson find themselves in the hospital. Sophia welcomed her baby boy with fiancé Frankie Makin in March 2024, and the couple has not yet shared their son’s name with the public. Karren, who prefers to avoid using the term “gran,” has openly expressed her admiration for her daughter and her pride in Sophia’s journey as a mother.
Currently, the family is spending the evening in the hospital, and Sophia shared a heartfelt photo of her son on social media, covering his face with a heart emoji, along with a caption that reads: “Spending New Year’s Eve in the hospital with our poorly little man.” Details regarding her son’s condition remain private, leaving fans concerned but supportive.
Sophie announced her son’s arrival through an Instagram post that captured the joy of new parenthood: “Our son. Never known love like this. 28/03/24.” This engagement with her audience reflects her life as a 27-year-old influencer, who began her relationship with Frankie in the UAE and now resides in Dubai, where they are eager to expand their family.
Karren had previously shared her excitement about Sophia’s pregnancy during an appearance on Loose Women, where she described the overwhelming joy of becoming a grandmother. She spoke fondly of Sophia, praising her daughter’s nurturing spirit and her bright future as a mother. Karren playfully noted that with both of her grandparents alive, there might be some competition for babysitting duties.
Karren embraces her role in her grandson’s life while appreciating the importance of family support systems. She believes that grandmothers can significantly influence their grandchildren’s lives with their experiences and wisdom. Although Karren finds the term “grandma” a bit too formal, she has been affectionately referred to as “mommy/nanny” in her daughter’s posts.
As the family navigates this challenging time, supporters and fans alike are encouraged to send their well wishes. The love and resilience within this family will surely shine through, even in adversity, as they look forward to brighter days ahead.