Kylie Jenner recently took to TikTok to share heartwarming videos of her children, Stormi and Aire, showcasing how quickly they’re growing up. The reality star, who stars in The Kardashians, posted the clips on October 11, highlighting a playful moment where she attempted TikTok’s ‘Upside Down’ challenge with her kids. In the first video, she playfully flipped her younger son Aire upside down as Stormi danced alongside them, humorously noting that they may not have nailed the challenge.
In the second video, she repeated the feat with her daughter Stormi, who is now six years old, while Aire is just two. It was evident from the videos that the kids are growing taller and maturing fast, prompting Jenner to lovingly refer to Stormi as “my big girl” in the post’s caption.
Kylie, now 27, welcomed Stormi with ex-partner Travis Scott in February 2018 when she was only 20. She has openly discussed the positives of becoming a mother at a young age, sharing insights on Instagram about her deep bond with her daughter. Ahead of Stormi’s birth, Jenner kept her pregnancy private, revealing her decision in a heartfelt Instagram message after the birth, where she expressed her desire to prepare for motherhood in a stress-free environment.
The star has also candidly addressed the struggles of parenting, including her experiences with the “baby blues” after the birth of her second child. She reflected on the emotional challenges she faced post-delivery, noting that she experienced extended bouts of crying in the early weeks of motherhood.
Fans of Jenner can continue to follow her parenting journey as she navigates the ups and downs of raising her two young kids, all while maintaining her presence in the spotlight.