Tragedy struck the beloved reality show The Traitors Finland as it emerged that contestant Janne Puhakka was shot dead, sending shockwaves through the entertainment community. Local reports indicate that Janne, 29, who made headlines as the nation’s first openly gay ice hockey player, was killed by his estranged partner, 66-year-old Rolf Nordmo. Investigators reveal that Nordmo allegedly confessed to the tragic act, claiming he shot Janne on October 13 at their shared residence.
In light of this heartbreaking news, Finnish television authorities have decided to delay the airing of the series finale, which featured Janne in a key role as a Traitor. The decision was made to honor his memory and respect the gravity of the situation. A spokesperson for The Traitors stated, “We believe this is not the appropriate time to air the episode. We will reassess the possibility of airing it later.”
According to Matti Högman, the lead investigator on the case, the pair had been in a contentious relationship and had separated several weeks prior to the incident. Janne had returned to the home to address some practical matters when the alleged shooting occurred. Högman described the violence involved as “more than necessary,” suggesting that there were deliberate and malicious intentions behind the act.
As the investigation continues, the circumstances surrounding Janne’s death raise questions about the dynamics of their relationship and the tragic events leading to this loss. Janne had been a promising contestant in the show’s second season, advancing to the finale alongside Green MP Fatim Diarra.
Friends and fans are left in shock, mourning the loss of Janne, whose vibrant life and trailblazing courage in the sports community will not be forgotten. The Traitors Finland team expresses their condolences and plans to reevaluate the airing of the final episode in the coming weeks as the public processes this devastating news.