Michael Newman, beloved for his role in the iconic series Baywatch, has sadly passed away at the age of 68 due to heart complications linked to his ongoing battle with Parkinson’s disease. As the so-called “Baywatch Curse” claims yet another star, the news has touched fans and friends alike. Newman, who featured in 150 episodes of the classic show, had previously discussed how his terminal illness had brought him a new perspective on life, stating that it inspired a profound appreciation for the time he spent with loved ones.
Matt Felker, a close friend of Newman’s and director of the recent docu-series After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun, confirmed that Newman died surrounded by family and friends. Reflecting on their last interaction, Felker shared, “I got to see Mike the last time he was conscious, and he looked at me and said, ‘You’re just in time,’ in typical Mike fashion.” Following his passing, Felker expressed his admiration for Newman on social media, writing, “I’m your biggest fan buddy.”
In a recent interview, Newman revealed his participation in the docu-series aimed at raising awareness about Parkinson’s disease. His hope was to encourage others to contribute to research for a cure. Having been diagnosed at the age of 50, in 2006, Newman faced the challenges of the disease with remarkable courage. He talked about the wisdom gained through his illness, noting, “This terminal disease has allowed me a lot of thinking time… it’s brought me wisdom.”
Not only was Newman a talented actor, but he was also unique among his co-stars as a real-life lifeguard and a dedicated firefighter who served for 25 years after Baywatch ended. Reflecting on his acting career, Newman expressed the difficulty of performing naturally in front of the camera, ultimately deciding to pursue a quieter life after achieving success in the industry.
In his final years, Newman dedicated himself to fundraising efforts with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to support Parkinson’s disease research. Fellow actor Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed at just 29, inspired him in this endeavor. As fans remember Michael Newman for his contributions to television and his fight against Parkinson’s, his legacy will undoubtedly continue to resonate.