In a bizarre turn of events, former President Donald Trump found himself on the receiving end of a social media roasting after a recent visit to a McDonald’s in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. His initiative to stage a workday at the fast-food chain, complete with an apron, quickly spiraled into a flood of mockery and negative reviews on Yelp.
During his time at McDonald’s, Trump donned clothing associated with the restaurant, served fries sans gloves or a hairnet, and even took the opportunity to question the credentials of Vice President Kamala Harris related to her past employment at the chain—allegations made without any substantial proof. What was intended to be a light-hearted publicity stunt devolved into an online circus.
The reviews came pouring in, telling a decidedly unfavorable story about Trump’s performance as a fast-food worker. Observers criticized the “customer service” as laughable, with one user claiming they found “bronzer on my fries.” Others suggested the former president appeared “incoherent,” jokingly alleging that he “stole their change.” The critiques didn’t stop there; some questioned his decision to forgo a hair covering, while others remarked on his cognitive abilities, noting he seemed “unaware of what he was talking about most of the time.”
The reviews turned downright comedic, with one individual noting, “The fries were too salty, as if someone who just lost a significant election had been crying over them for an hour.” The humor, however, quickly led to Yelp disabling the review section entirely. In a statement, they acknowledged the surge of attention to the McDonald’s page and revealed they were investigating whether the comments truly reflected customer experiences or were merely a reaction to recent events.
Thus, what began as Trump’s attempt to connect with voters on a grassroots level has transformed into a digital phenomenon, highlighting the intersection of politics and public perception in the era of social media. As the 2024 election looms, this incident serves as a reminder of the unexpected ways political figures can be scrutinized and trolled in today’s online landscape.