Hoda Kotb and Joel Schiffman created a beautiful family during their relationship, which began back in 2013 after they met at an event in New York City. Kotb, a beloved figure on “Today,” and Schiffman, a financier, became parents to two adorable daughters through adoption. Their eldest, Haley Joy, was welcomed into their lives in 2017, followed by Hope Catherine in 2019. The couple even got engaged in November 2019, although their wedding plans were put on hold due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Their split was made public by Hoda during a January 2022 episode of “Today,” where she spoke warmly about her former fiancé, calling him a wonderful person and emphasizing their commitment to co-parenting their daughters. Hoda expressed gratitude for the eight years they shared, declaring that both she and Joel were devoted parents to Haley and Hope.
Throughout their time together, both daughters often made charming appearances on Hoda’s show. A touching moment transpired during Hoda’s farewell episode on January 10, 2025, when Haley and Hope joined her on stage for a heartwarming send-off, accompanied by Kermit the Frog, who sang “Rainbow Connection,” a song that holds a special significance for their family.
Haley Joy, now eight years old, has been described as a mini-version of her mother. Hoda has shared her joys of motherhood, stating that it has been the most rewarding role of her life. As a big sister, Haley embraced her new responsibilities with grace, having discussions with her mother to ensure she felt special and secure in her role. A delightful anecdote emerged when Haley used her allowance to buy an ice cream cone for a local restaurant worker, showcasing her kind-hearted nature.
In celebration of Haley’s eighth birthday, Hoda organized a lively bowling party, which was attended by Joel, highlighting the cooperative spirit of their blended family. In early 2024, Hoda discussed moving into a new home with her daughters, emphasizing her hopes for a nurturing environment for them to grow and thrive.
Hope Catherine, Hoda’s youngest daughter, brought immense joy to her life. Reflecting on her experiences, Hoda shared how the daily routines with Hope, including morning bubbles and trips to the bakery, became cherished moments. Despite the challenges posed by their split, both parents ensure the girls maintain strong relationships with each of them, with Joel actively participating in their lives.
In early 2023, Hope faced a significant health scare that required her to be in the ICU, prompting Hoda to take a leave from her show. The news anchor expressed her gratitude to the medical team who cared for her daughter, and shared her immense relief and joy upon Hope’s return home.
Joel’s daughter from his previous relationship, Kyle Schiffman, has remained supportive of the dynamic family. In interviews, she conveyed happiness for her father’s relationship with Hoda and acknowledged the bond that developed over the years. Despite the changes in Hoda and Joel’s romantic relationship, their commitment to their children remains the top priority.
This heartwarming glimpse into Hoda Kotb’s journey as a mother highlights the importance of love, family, and resilience in the face of change.