Kyle Mooney’s latest film “Y2K” introduces a captivating sci-fi horror narrative that takes viewers back to New Year’s Eve of 1999. The film centers around a high school gathering that becomes chaotic with the emergence of techno monsters. These bizarre creatures, crafted from nostalgic technology like tube TVs, computer monitors, Jeep Power Wheels, and VCRs, are driven by a computer hive-mind intent on turning humans into microchip-controlled drones.
Starring Jaeden Martell, Julian Dennison, and Rachel Zegler, “Y2K” showcases a blend of dark humor and a techno apocalypse theme. The film’s striking practical effects, created by the renowned Wētā Workshop, are pivotal in bringing these monsters to life. Mooney, celebrated for his work on “Saturday Night Live,” and co-writer/producer Evan Winter collaborated closely with Wētā to ensure the film maintained an authentic, era-appropriate feel, opting for practical effects whenever possible.
In discussing the visual direction of the techno creatures, Mooney emphasized their desire to keep the production grounded in the aesthetics of the late 90s. It was a challenge they welcomed, and they were pleasantly surprised by how closely Wētā’s initial concepts aligned with their vision. Winter shared insights into the lengthy process involved in creating these impressive practical suits, stating that it took nearly a year from the initial design phase to the final fabrication.
The logistical challenges of constructing such intricate effects were substantial. As Winter noted, the larger creature suit is touted as the heaviest practical suit ever created by Wētā for an unassisted performer. The design had to cleverly balance weight distribution while integrating functional light-emitting screens and manipulate controls inside the suit. This complex coordination ensured that the stunt performers could operate effectively while encased in these elaborate creations for extended periods.
Viewers can experience the remarkable practical effects in theaters now with “Y2K,” and for those interested in behind-the-scenes insights, the conversation with Mooney and Winter, along with cast members Martell and Dennison, continues on the /Film Daily Podcast. Subscribers can tune in via various platforms, ensuring they catch all the latest updates and discussions around this innovative film.