Lacey Turner, a beloved star from EastEnders, has joyfully announced that she is expecting her third child. The actress took to social media on September 30, 2024, to share this heartwarming news with her followers. Already a proud mother to five-year-old Dusty and three-year-old Trilby, Lacey eagerly embraces this new chapter in her life with husband Matt Kay.
In a touching Instagram post, Lacey revealed the delightful news while enjoying a beach day with her family, showcasing baby scan photos. Her heartfelt caption read, “Aren’t we lucky… @thekayoskids.” The announcement was met with enthusiastic congratulations from fans and co-stars alike. Jacqueline Jossa, her fellow EastEnders cast member, expressed her excitement by commenting, “So special! Congratulations angel all of you!! Beautiful.” Giovanna Fletcher also chimed in with her warm wishes: “Aaaaaw!!! Congratulations!!”
Lacey, who has portrayed the iconic character Stacey Slater since her debut at just 16, shared her journey of motherhood with honesty. She has previously spoken about her past struggles with infertility and the heartaches of two miscarriages, offering a candid perspective on the emotional challenges that many face. In a Channel 5 documentary titled Miscarriage: Our Story, she opened up about the stigma surrounding pregnancy loss and the isolation that can often accompany it.
Reflecting on her experiences, Lacey remarked on the difficulty of not discussing these personal struggles, highlighting the importance of communication and support. “I think, actually, what we should have done was talk to each other,” she said, emphasizing that opening up could alleviate the loneliness.
As Lacey prepares for the arrival of her third child, the excitement among fans and fellow actors grows. While her absence from the EastEnders scene may be felt during this period, her journey as a mother continues to resonate with many.
This latest news comes as Lacey navigates her role as a dedicated actress while embracing her expanding family. For more updates on EastEnders and the latest happenings in the world of television, fans can stay tuned.