Shane Richie experienced an “awkward” encounter with his ex-wife Coleen Nolan during a live segment on This Morning, which aired on November 6, 2024. The actor appeared on the show to discuss his upcoming storyline in EastEnders, where he hinted at a potential reunion for his character, Alfie Moon, with his former on-screen love, Kat Slater, portrayed by Jessie Wallace.
As the show transitioned to a crossover with Loose Women—where Coleen has been a panellist since 2000—Shane made a playful remark. “Great to be on This Morning! It was either this or Loose Women, and I only watch Loose Women now to see what I’m up to… those who know, know,” he joked. This quip drew laughter from host Ben Shephard, who assured Shane that he understood the reference.
As the segment approached its conclusion, Ben and co-host Cat Deeley moved to the Loose Women studio, where Charlene White, the host, informed Shane that they wouldn’t be discussing him. This prompted Shane to chuckle, asking, “What have I done now?” and remarked, “I remember her,” alluding to one of the Loose Women hosts as they returned to the This Morning set.
Later, Shane referred to the four female hosts and jokingly commented, “Four lovely ladies,” which led Ben to tease him, saying, “Shane, that’s enough now.” Shane responded with a light-hearted, “Okay, I’m going now!” Social media users took note of the moment, sharing their thoughts on X, with comments like “Haha awkward lol” and “Well that’s awkward.”
Shane and Coleen were married from 1990 until their split in 1999, during which they had two sons, Shane Jr. and Jake. Their separation followed Shane’s relocation to Manchester for a role in Grease, which led Coleen to express suspicions documented in her 2009 autobiography.
On a personal note, Coleen recently welcomed a new furry family member, adopting a 14-year-old Shih Tzu named Buster, expressing joy about him joining their home.
Viewers are left to ponder the dynamics between the former spouses and the interplay of their past, which adds a layer of interest to their current public interactions. How do you feel about the interaction between Shane and Coleen? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.