At Attin is the intriguing new planet introduced in Skeleton Crew, bringing a fresh layer of mystery to the Star Wars franchise. As fans know, the Star Wars universe is steeped in enigma, with planets often being the heart of these captivating secrets. We’ve seen hidden locations before, from Jedi temples to lost worlds, but At Attin stands out as something truly unique.
In Skeleton Crew, we meet a group of kids—Wim, Fern, Neel, and KB—who call this planet home. At Attin initially strikes as a quintessential suburban world, albeit with a cleaner, more polished aesthetic than usual. Picture trams and speeders gliding above tree-lined streets while everyone appears to be thriving in their roles. This seemingly utopian—or perhaps dystopian—setting sets the tone for a narrative that evokes the essence of 80s Spielberg films, while also hinting at deeper questions lurking beneath the surface.
As the story unfolds, intriguing clues hint at a greater mystery surrounding At Attin. One of the first signs is the Republic Dataries Wim’s father hands him as lunch money—currency that audiences may recall from The Phantom Menace, where Qui-Gon Jinn found them worthless. In the timeline of Skeleton Crew, which unfolds decades after the prequels, the presence of these Dataries raises eyebrows, especially with an old Imperial logo seemingly marking their value. Another puzzling element is the planet’s Great Barrier and the fact that its young inhabitants have never gazed upon the stars—a clear indication that At Attin is not a typical home.
A standout feature of At Attin is the community’s respect and understanding of Jedi lore. Given the historical context of Imperial rule, such knowledge would typically be lost. Wim’s idolization of the Jedi and his collection of stories surrounding them feel misplaced in this post-Empire landscape, especially when one considers Rey’s own misconceptions about Jedi myths on Jakku.
The plot thickens as pirates from Port Borgo mockingly dismiss the notion of the children’s home as a mere myth, adding layers to the planet’s secrecy. The presence of strict authorities preventing starships from arriving or departing only fuels speculation about what the inhabitants are hiding. This begs the question: how deeply have they concealed their secrets, and how long has the ship the kids discover been stranded there, cloaked by the encroaching trees?
The primary narrative driving Skeleton Crew revolves around the kids’ quest to return home. If they fail, viewers might find themselves waiting for a future season to uncover the mysteries of At Attin. As the episodes progress, whether they find their way back or not, we’re certain to gain insights into the planet’s intricate secrets which remain undisclosed.
At Attin has yet to find its place in established Star Wars history, presenting an intriguing opportunity for both the characters and fans. This shared journey of discovery is compelling, and one can only speculate about why this planet has been relegated to obscurity within the galaxy. Whatever the unveiling might be, it promises to have profound implications for the overarching Star Wars narrative.
Catch new episodes of Skeleton Crew streaming on Tuesdays on Disney+.