Tom Cruise, renowned for performing his own gravity-defying stunts in action films, is now facing rumors about his personal hygiene. According to insiders, the 62-year-old actor has been noticeably lax about addressing his body odor, which has become increasingly apparent to those around him. reports that Cruise’s odor issue has worsened over the years, yet he seems unconcerned. Despite his reputation for sweating through his shirts on set, sources claim the problem extends beyond filming and might even be affecting his relationships.
Recently, Cruise was seen with visible sweat stains while cheering for Team USA at the Paris Olympics. Though it’s understandable that the actor might perspire during intense moments, those close to him say he’s in denial about how severe the issue has become.
“Tom’s always been a sweaty guy, but it’s gotten worse lately, and he’s not doing anything about it,” one insider revealed. “He’ll be completely drenched and doesn’t seem to notice, but it’s hard for those around him to ignore.”
Sources also speculate that Cruise’s body odor may have played a role in the end of his rumored romances with his *Mission: Impossible 7* co-star Hayley Atwell and Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova. According to insiders, his reluctance to manage his sweating could be the reason behind his bad luck with women.
Despite the discomfort of those around him, no one dares to confront Cruise directly. “He’s Tom Cruise, so people won’t tell him to his face, but they do wonder why he doesn’t take steps to control it,” the source continued. “Botox could help with the sweating, but he seems fine with the way things are.”
Since his divorce from Katie Holmes 12 years ago, Cruise hasn’t been in a serious long-term relationship. His latest romance with Khayrova reportedly ended after just two months, with sources suggesting that she’s now contemplating revealing intimate details about their time together.
“She knows a lot about Tom, from his past relationships to his involvement with Scientology,” the insider said. “If she decides to talk, it could be a huge problem for him.”