Al Pacino, the iconic actor known for his roles in classics like The Godfather, has declared that he plans to remain a bachelor for life following his split from Noor Alfallah, a film producer 54 years his junior. At 84 years old, Pacino is candid about his feelings towards marriage, stating that he views it as “an entrance to the pain train.”
In a recent interview, Pacino reflected on his relationship with Alfallah, which lasted 16 months and resulted in the birth of their son, Roman. He shared that while he enjoyed living together, marriage never felt like a suitable choice for him. In his new memoir, he elaborates, saying that partnership requires a deep connection; otherwise, it can feel invasive.
Pacino clarified his relationship status in a conversation with People magazine, saying he and Alfallah are now just friends and co-parents. A representative for the actor confirmed this sentiment, highlighting their positive dynamic as they raise their son together.
The couple first became romantically linked in 2022, after meeting at a dinner party several years prior. Alfallah had no expectations of a long-term relationship at the time, but the COVID-19 pandemic brought them closer. She reminisced about times spent together during the pandemic, from playing chess to watching movies, which she described as “like film school with Al Pacino.”
Despite their separation, Pacino and Alfallah maintain an amicable friendship. Just last month, he was seen at her birthday celebration, participating with enthusiasm as she blew out the candles.
As Pacino embraces this new phase in his life, he continues to prioritize the bond he shares with his son and the ongoing friendship with Alfallah, firmly asserting that commitment is not on his horizon.