Gavin Casalegno, known for his role in The Summer I Turned Pretty, has tied the knot with his girlfriend Cheyanne King. The 25-year-old actor shared the exciting news on Instagram on November 12, posting beautiful images from their wedding ceremony, with a heartfelt caption that read, “FOREVER CAPTIVATED BY YOU.” King has also changed her Instagram handle to reflect their new union, now going by @cheyannecasalegno.
Though Casalegno has played Jeremiah Fisher on the popular Prime Video series, he has kept details about his romantic life relatively private. Fans noted his announcement, with one follower humorously commenting, “Okay hard launch!” While the timeline of their relationship remains unclear, King first revealed their relationship publicly in September 2023 with a vacation photo from Asia.
Casalegno’s previous relationship was with actress and model Larsen Thompson, which lasted six years from 2016 until 2022. Interestingly, Thompson shared in an interview that she and Casalegno had met through social media, initiated by a mutual photographer who encouraged them to connect.
In a candid moment from a June 2022 interview, Casalegno described himself as a romantic at heart, reminiscing about how he once surprised Thompson for her 16th birthday after dating for only a week. He planned an elaborate surprise by traveling from Texas to Universal Studios, where he playfully proposed with a Hershey’s Kiss, making a lasting impression on her family.
Casalegno continues to capture audiences alongside co-stars Lola Tung and Christopher Briney in The Summer I Turned Pretty, which has aired two successful seasons, with a third season set to launch in 2025.