James Franco recently described his latest film “Hey Joe” as a serendipitous opportunity, calling it a “gift out of the sky.” The acclaimed actor made an appearance at the 2024 Rome Film Festival on October 25, where he walked the red carpet to premiere the film. Franco, 46, was accompanied by the director Claudio Giovannesi and his co-stars Francesco Di Napoli, Aniello Arena, Giada Savi, and Giulia Ercolini.
In a candid interview, Franco shared insights into the creation of “Hey Joe.” He expressed his long-standing admiration for European cinema and noted that he was already familiar with Giovannesi’s work. Franco recalled meeting the writer Maurizio Braucci through director Pietro Marcello, which led to the unexpected offer for his current project. “It was just out of the blue. I was intrigued by the idea of redemption in the storyline. My passion for Italian cinema, especially Claudio’s films, made it an easy decision for me,” he explained.
While promoting “Hey Joe,” Franco also opened up about his recent struggles, including a publicized falling out with his former friend and collaborator Seth Rogen. Earlier this month, he made headlines again when he attended the 2024 Film Festival Lumiere in France with his girlfriend.
For more highlights from the Rome Film Festival, check out our gallery featuring several snapshots of James Franco as he navigated the event and celebrated his new film.