Demi Lovato and her family are grieving the heartbreaking loss of Madison De La Garza’s newborn daughter, Xiomara. This tragic news unfolded on Saturday, October 26, following Madison’s emotional Instagram announcement. The 22-year-old shared that she and her partner Ryan Mitchell held their baby girl for the first and last time after an emergency cesarean section on September 27. In her touching post, Madison expressed gratitude for the time they had with Xiomara, referring to her as their “perfect angel in heaven.”
Demi Lovato, 32, offered her condolences in the comments, stating, “I love you so much Xiomara. An angel in every sense of the word. I’ll be your auntie forever.” She also shared Madison’s post on her Instagram Story, further conveying her sorrow and love for the newborn with heartfelt messages.
The family’s matriarch, Dianna De La Garza, 62, also shared her grief publicly. In a poignant comment on Madison’s post, she reflected on the indescribable love felt upon meeting a grandchild for the first time, affirming her lasting love for Xiomara.
Dallas Lovato, Demi’s older sister, added a moving poem in memory of her niece, expressing daily remembrance and the promise to watch over Madison during this difficult time.
Cousin Braedon De La Garza and Demi’s fiancé, Jordan Lutes, joined the chorus of love and support, both offering their own tributes to the late baby.
Earlier this year, Madison and Ryan joyfully announced their pregnancy on September 5, sharing photos with their family joyfully touching her belly, which marked the beginning of their journey into parenthood. Demi had publicly celebrated Madison’s pregnancy at that time, expressing her excitement to welcome a new family member.
The loss of Xiomara has deeply affected the Lovato family, underlining the importance of family bonds. Through their expressions of love and remembrance, it’s clear that the impact of this tragedy will resonate in their hearts forever.