Josh and Heather Altman have officially announced their departure from ‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles,’ marking the end of a significant chapter in their lives. The couple, aged 45 and 39 respectively, made their presence known on the show for several seasons—Josh joining as a main cast member in season four, while Heather entered as an assistant in season three. Throughout their time on the series, viewers have witnessed their journey of love and family, but now they’ve decided it’s time to move on.
In an interview with People, Josh expressed, “We just felt the time was right. We’ve been on the fence for the last couple of years about whether to continue. It was a difficult decision and bittersweet for us.” He went on to emphasize the importance of family in their lives. “Since season 15 aired, and now that we’re on a pause, Heather and I have had some real quality time with the kids. Our family comes first, and our kids are growing up so fast. We need to cherish every moment,” he shared.
Josh clarified that their exit isn’t due to any on-screen tensions, hinting at previous conflicts with fellow cast member Josh Flagg. He acknowledged, “It has to do with us. We’ve experienced so much since we first appeared on the show. We are different people now than when we started. We were just kids.”
In an Instagram video, they reflected on their journey with the show, stating, “Million Dollar Listing LA has been a wild ride. The memories, friendships, experiences, sales, highs, and lows are something we will always cherish. We have no regrets. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. It’s time for a new chapter, and we want to focus more on family.”
Josh also took the opportunity to express gratitude to the producers, cast, and crew, stating, “We couldn’t have done it without you.” Recently, in season 15, the Altmans, along with Josh’s brother Matt, launched a new office in Orange County under their brokerage, Altman Brothers. As of now, there has been no official word on whether there will be a season 16.