Josh Duhamel and Audra Mari recently marked a special milestone, celebrating their son Shepherd’s first Halloween in style. On November 1, the 51-year-old actor took to Instagram to share an adorable family snapshot featuring himself, his wife Audra, and their little one, all decked out in Halloween costumes.
“Hope you all had a great Halloween!” Josh wrote in the post accompanying the festive photo. For the occasion, both Josh and baby Shepherd channeled the spirit of Beetlejuice, with Audra, aged 30, opting for a tribute to Monica Bellucci’s character, Dolores. Audra couldn’t resist commenting on the post, expressing her affection with, “My guys 🧡🖤.”
Shepherd, born in January 2024, joins Josh’s family alongside his 11-year-old son Axl, whom he shares with his ex-wife Fergie. The Halloween festivities have certainly brought joy to the Duhamel household, showcasing their creative family spirit.
As the Halloween season continues, it’s noteworthy to check out some of the top celebrity costumes that have sparked excitement this year.