In a surprising twist for fans of the beloved franchise, a live-action adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon has officially been announced, complete with the release of its first teaser trailer. Excitement is building among many fans, while others express curiosity about the necessity of revisiting this iconic animated story.
Dean DeBlois, the writer and director who previously helmed the animated trilogy, shared his insights in a recent featurette, shedding light on his motivations for stepping into the live-action realm. “Revisiting How to Train Your Dragon was an incredible opportunity for me,” DeBlois said. “Not only did I get to direct a live-action film, but I also found myself longing once again for this enchanting world and its characters.”
He added, “I have a deep affection for narratives that carry meaningful messages beneath their spectacle. My hope is that fans who loved the original films will be eager to see our reimagining because it comes from a genuine place of passion and respect.”
The director expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “This entire journey is one colossal adventure, and every day I wake up grateful for the chance to bring this story to life.”
Mark your calendars—How to Train Your Dragon is slated for release in theaters on June 13, 2025. Make sure to check out the teaser trailer to catch your first glimpse of this much-anticipated adaptation.