Travis Kelce is receiving intriguing offers to revisit his past as an ex-stripper from the recently aired show “Grotesquerie.” Known for his role as Ed Lachlan, Kelce’s character has sparked interest among various male revues eager to bring his fictional past to life. According to reports, several adult entertainment venues have reached out to the Kansas City Chiefs tight end, expressing their desire for him to make a special appearance in their shows.
In his debut on the Ryan Murphy production, Kelce’s character was unveiled as a dancer at a male strip club in Juneau, Alaska, where he humorously showcased his moves to “horny mamas” disembarking from cruise ships. While there weren’t any flashbacks to his character’s dancing days, the line he delivered has left establishments like Thunder From Down Under buzzing with excitement. Co-owner Adam Steck commented that they would love for Kelce to join them in Las Vegas or Nashville, suggesting that fans would be thrilled to see “NFL meets thunder magic.”
Not to be outdone, the Kings of Hustler club in Las Vegas has also thrown their hat into the ring, inviting Kelce to perform on their stage. General manager Brittany Rose remarked that Swifties would undoubtedly want to see what Taylor Swift’s boyfriend brings to the stage.
The traveling male revue, “Girls Night Out The Show,” has extended an open invitation for Kelce to reprise his role as Ed Lachlan, promising a sizzling performance alongside their cast. Even the famed Chippendales have expressed interest, stating their eagerness to have Kelce don their iconic cuffs and collars, with plans for a special boot camp to prepare him for the stage.
While the likelihood of seeing Kelce dance anytime soon is uncertain, fans are still hopeful for a flashback scene in future episodes of “Grotesquerie.” Only time will tell if Ryan Murphy responds to these enticing calls from the entertainment world.